Monday Message Board

Another Monday Message Board. Post comments on any topic. Civil discussion and no coarse language please. Side discussions and idees fixes to the sandpits, please.

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6 thoughts on “Monday Message Board

  1. Does anyone else see the Machiavellian hand of Buckingham Palace in the ‘surprise’ announcement of
    a pending baby to Harry and Meghan? Timed to perfection and ultimately aimed at a possible royal posting, the tip-off will hit a swooning public and media and just might swing an acclimation from the Morrison Government given the mood it is in… recognition of Jerusalem, reversing the Iran deal. And it is only Tuesday!

  2. Vale Paul Allen. Like Steve Jobs dead from cancer at a (relatively) young age. Which just goes to show, you can have an infinite amount of money, but still be struck down early by a deadly disease.

  3. Solar anecdote. From an interview at PVMagazine with Dr. Zhenguo Li, the CEO of Longi, the world’s largest manufacturer of silicon ingots and wafers (and a smaller but increasing presence in modules):
    “There is no change for our expansion progress [in ingots and wafers]. But to be exact, today we are already sitting at 25 GW. End of this year, wafer will be 28 GW. End of next year, 36 GW. End of 2020, 45 GW. That is the original plan. No change.”

    So this one Chinese company produces PV wafers equivalent to 6 1-GW nuclear reactors in one year. In two years, it will be 10. It’s already much more significant than the entire Chinese nuclear pipeline, around 10 GW under construction, with no fresh starts since December 2016 (World Nuclear Industry Status Report).

  4. Amazing.

    Ex Trump lawyer Michael Cohen is advising everybody to get on the roll and vote Democrat at the midterms.

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