Videopresentation invitation

I didn’t get a lot of responses to this invitation back in 2008, but I’m hoping for more now. I can offer video presentations on a wide range of topics (climate change, water, infrastructure, digital economy & culture, employment and macro policy in general, among others).

As regards technology, it seems that Zoom is state of the art now. I’m hoping to have that set up so I can do it from home, which will allow more flexibility about time.

Repost from 2008

With the release of the Garnaut report, it’s time for me to look again at ways to reduce my carbon footprint. I’ve been trying to reduce air travel, turning down invitations and offering to do videoconferences instead. That’s had some success, but mostly people aren’t set up to handle video, and, by the time invitations are made, there are often arrangements in place that make it difficult.

So, I’m going to take the initiative, and announce that I’m available to offer video presentations on a wide range of topics (climate change, water, infrastructure, digital economy & culture, employment and macro policy in general, among others). It’s easiest for me in business hours (9-5 pm, Mon-Fri, AEST) as that’s when I can use the UQ facilities, but I’m willing to look at alternatives at other times, if there’s someone who can handle the setup.

Obviously, I can only do a finite number of presentations, either in person or by video, so get in with your request.

10 thoughts on “Videopresentation invitation

  1. “The triathlon as a metaphor for everything”
    “Confessions of a post–postmodernist”
    “Roadkill zombie cuisine”

  2. We in this household would surely welcome that.

    Especially since it would seem that a talk and/or book signing event at Newcastle Uni is probably not going to be in the cards.

  3. Thanks John,

    Great offer and I would love to put together a midday event here in Shepparton using facilities at the Shepparton campus of La Trobe University, but the idea of getting people together in a relatively small space is not appropriate in these challenging times. Maybe later when this crisis passes. Again thanks,

    Robert McLean. PS:I have a podcast, “Climate Conversations ”, and maybe in a month or so you could give me 30-45 minutes of you time during which we could talk about where to from here with the climate crisis. Please let me know how you feel about that idea.


  4. @Robert B Only for non-academic events where participants are charged, such as conferences organized by for-profit companies.

    @Robert M You have to organize remote participation at your end also.

  5. Presentation, and I suggest a seperate post here re on ” topics we have forgotten about due to oandemic” as when covid 19 relaxes we may refer and get back to reality.

    Biloea / refugees.
    Everything re standards
    Federal ICAC

  6. Great topic to report on below (I wish Inwere worthy of spending time w picketty – I’ll leave such to you JQ), and lots of links.

    “Q & A with JQ” too please. Sperate question post? Cull to relevant / topical / worthy.

    How political ideas keep economic inequality going

    Thomas Piketty takes a long look at global history and ways to redistribute wealth

    “As the gulf between the haves and the have nots continues to widen, the roiling debate over economic inequality has become a political prime mover in the U.S. and across Europe. French economist Thomas Piketty’s 2013 landmark analysis of Western economic inequality, “Capital in the 21st Century,” became a must-read in both popular and academic circles. Now, he’s back with “Capital and Ideology” (Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2020), a global look at the history of the problem, how institutions and ideologies reinforce it, and how it can be remedied.

    “Piketty will visit Harvard on Friday to give the Stanley Hoffmann Lecture on France and the World at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies(CES). He will return April 6 for aWeatherhead Initiative on Global Historytalk and give the annual Tanner Lectures on Human Values on April 15. The English version of “Capital and Ideology,” translated by Arthur Goldhammer, the distinguished book translator and longtime CES affiliate, is due out March 10.

    Q&A with…Thomas Piketty

    GAZETTE: You write that inequality is not the result of economics or technological change, but is rooted in ideology and politics. How so and why is it important to understand its roots — how does that aid in its dismantling?

    PIKETTY: What I do in this book is take a very long-run look at the inequality regime in a comparative perspective. I define “inequality regime” as the justification [used] for the structure of inequality and also the institutions — the legal system, the educational system, the fiscal system — that help sustain a certain level of equality or inequality in a given society. I look at the history of this inequality regime over a very long run,”…

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